Episode #037 – Hot Hondas, Acuras, Hyundais, Pizzas and A Not-so Hot Mitsubishi

This week we talk about lots of the vehicles we’ve recently driven. Sam samples a pair of very different Acura hybrids with some shared hardware. He then heads to the track to play with the hottest Civic ever the Type-R and talks with product planner Rob Keogh. Dan gets in the decidedly mediocre Mitsubishi Outlander GT. The Hyundai Elantra GT Sport is one of the most refined cars yet from the ever-improving Korean brand but is it better than a GTI? Finally, Ford and Domino’s hook up to try out autonomous pizza delivery. Domino’s Takes High-Tech Pizza Delivery To Level 4 With Ford The Ridge Motorsports Park 2017 Acura NSX – Vaporware No More Wheel Bearings has launched a Patreon. If you like the show and would like to chip in toward the cost of producing and hosting it you can join at https://www.patreon.com/wheelbearingsmedia
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