Episode #063 – Praising Sedans, Self-Crashing Teslas and Self-Driving Waymo-Jaguars

This week, Dan and Sam come in favor of a couple of very different sedans, the plug-in hybrid BMW 740e and the latest generation Honda Accord. Despite how different these cars are, both feature a 2.0-liter turbocharged four cylinder engine under the hood. The show is a bit late because Sam was travelling in California last week for the Nvidia GPU Technology Conference. Meanwhile on the opposite coast, Waymo and Jaguar announced a deal, Nissan unveiled an Altima with variable compression ratio, VW took the wraps off a pickup truck concept, and Lincoln showed the first of new generation of vehicles from Ford. Sam also goes on a rant about another fatality in a Tesla running on AutoPilot. We remind you that NONE of the vehicles currently in production with various levels of partial automation are self-driving. These are all driver assist systems and we… Read More »Episode #063 – Praising Sedans, Self-Crashing Teslas and Self-Driving Waymo-Jaguars
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